
Prof. Dr. Ami U. Upadhyay
Vice Chancellor,
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

Submission Guidelines
All the papers for publication should be emailed
Chaitanya e-journal will just accept maximum two articles put together by the same or similar author/researcher at once. The manuscripts of adequate quality that meet the aims and scope of Chaitanya will be blindly peer-reviewed. As a feature of the submission procedure, you will be required to declare that you are submitting your original work, that you possess the rights of the work, that you are submitting the work for the first time in the journal and that it is not being considered for publication somewhere else and has not as of now been published somewhere else, and that you can supply every single important permission for the republication of any copyrights not possessed by you. You must cite all the sources you have consulted. Paper must be free from any kind of plagiarism. You are required to download the declaration certificate from here Click Here , sign it and submit the scanned copy of the same with your paper.
Original works are welcomed from academicians, research scholars, and researchers. Papers are acknowledged through email are accepted with the understanding that they have not been accepted, submitted or acknowledged for production somewhere else.
Papers are accepted for publication may not be published somewhere else in a similar structure, either in the language of the paper or some other language, without the approval of the editorial board.
Style: Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial board via e-mail The paper should follow MLA style for writing research papers. The document has to be composed using the following software: MS-WORD, A4 size, Font: English=Times New Roman, Gujarati = Shruti and Hindi = Mangal. The font should be of 12-point size for the main text and 14-point size for the title.
Length: A Transactions paper should not exceed 25 A4 size pages.
Order of parts: Title of article, authors’ names, authors’ institutional affiliations, abstract (200- 300 words suitable for abstracting services), key-words, main text, tables (each starting with a caption) and figure captions, list of symbols and abbreviations (if necessary), numbered list of references, and original figures.
Title: The title of the paper should be concise and definitive. The size of the fonts should be 14 points.
Author Names and Affiliations: It is journal policy that each one of the individuals who have taken part significantly in the specialized parts of a paper is perceived as co-authors or cited in the acknowledgements. On account of a paper with more than one author, correspondence concerning the paper will be sent to the first author except staff is advised something else.
Author name should consist of first name, middle initial, last name. The author affiliation should consist of the following, as applicable, in the order noted:
Different scholarly identifications are to be provided like Scopus, Researcher, ORCID
University/Institute or college (with department name)
Postal address
City, state
Country name
Telephone, fax, and e-mail
Abstract: An abstract (200-300 words maximum) should open the paper. The purposes of an abstract are:
To give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results of the paper so that readers may decide whether the full text will be of particular interest to them;
To provide keywords and phrases for indexing, abstracting, and recovery purposes
Reference: The list of works cited must be provided at the end of the paper. It should be prepared following MLA style of documenting research publications.
Paper Acceptance: The final decision of publication is made by the editors upon recommendation of the peer reviewers and referees.
Copyright: Each article must be joined by an explanation that it has been neither published nor submitted for publication, in entire or to some extent, either in a series, professional journal or as a part in the book which is officially published and made available to the people in general. For the common advantage and insurance of authors and publishers, it is necessary that authors provide formal written approval to publish and transfer of copyright form before publication of the work.
Frequency of Publication: Four issues in a year.