
Prof. Dr. Ami U. Upadhyay
Vice Chancellor,
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

Chaitanya is a referred and peer-reviewed International e-journal. Chaitanya is a Multi-Disciplinary, Multilingual and Educational e-Journal published quarterly by school of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Ahmedabad. Chaitanya e-journal has a wide scope of scholarly research papers, research proposals, articles etc of all the subjects of Humanities and Social Science in English, Hindi, Gujarati and Sanskrit language. Original and unpublished works can be submitted within the range of 2000 words in Microsoft Word file with A4 size paper in 12 point Times New Roman fonts for English, Shruti fonts for Gujarati, Mangal fonts for Hindi and Sanskrit. Follow latest MLA stylesheet for documentation and references of your work. Authors are completely responsible for plagiarism of their work. We accept your work through email :